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Lip Filler Before and After: What you need to know

Lip Filler Before and After


This is the distant period of plastic surgery in which people want to further enhance their beauty especially individuals from show biz industries who try their best to look more young and attractive. The Lip filler injection procedure is one of the techniques, in which a variety of dermal fillers emerges that is based on Hyaluronic acid (A substance that is present naturally in our bodies and is highly involved in units and water to moisture) and is pretty resistant to bumps and lumps. It is crucial for Individuals to know all about Lip filler injection treatment, the lip filler swelling stages, and Lip filler before and after looks.

To know whether, you get the right treatment, taking pictures of lip filler before and after is very important, as each person’s anatomy is different, and the face has a different shape. That’s why health experts used different volumes of hyaluronic acid such as 1 ml, 2 ml, and 4 ml. You are better off explaining what you want and letting your health expert work with the configuration of your lips to get it.

What are lip fillers?

Lip fillers are the types of dermal filler injections that elevate the volume of your lips. This is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure.

Lip filler injections contain HA (Hyaluronic acid). There are several brands of lip filler, consist of Juvederm®, Perlene®, and Restylane®. 

Who gets lip fillers?

  • An individual should have a realistic prospect
  • Be in good physical condition
  • Be in good physical health.
  • Must not have oral infections such as sores, cold sores, or canker.

Lip Filler Before and After: What you need to know
Lip Filler Before and After: What you need to know

How much will lip filler cost?

If you are willing and planning an appointment with your consultant dermatologist, it is crucial to know that costs fluctuate depending on the city, injector (dermatologist), and the number of syringes of fillers injected, but a fine range to expect at a board-certified plastic surgeon’s or dermatologist’s clinic is ranging $700 to $1000.

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Lip Filler Swelling Stages

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Currently, lip fillers are more common as compared to the previous 8-10 years. In 2018 health experts performed more than 2.1 million lip filler injection procedures.

Yes, but a lip real property may put some limits on how considerably it will support an enhancement, and if a person is looking for more and more and is not perceived by the board-certified dermatologist who knows just how to rage their beliefs, those desires are improbable to be met and the risks complications elevate. Unlike this, social media is responsible for the common expectation that anatomies may hold.

 Why are lip fillers used?

Lip fillers elevate or re-establish the volume of lips. With this procedure, aging doesn’t prevent it, but it might help hold up the need for a more invasive surgical lip enhancement such as a lip lift or lip implant. They also improve your self-esteem and help to get your desired look.

With the passage of time, you may drop the volume in your lips may be a result of

  • Sun damage
  • Smoking
  • Genetics 

Which is the best type of filler to use?

As the lip area is fragile and unpredictable, so there is a special need for this site of the body. Every facial area has different requirements therefore the constituents and the formula really do matter.

Most health experts have about 5 or 6 go-tos lip fillers because there are numerous anatomical shapes of the lip and different end purposes.

Most people do not identify the difference between the filler product for example their thickness and where every type is best used but they are familiar with the names of Restylane or Juvederm.

However, hyaluronic acid-based fillers are still the best for soft-tissue areas, such as lips just because of their smooth appearance, natural texture, reversibility in case of emergency (undesired effects), and easy movement. The body recognizes these fillers and does not see them as foreign as they are more similar to naturally occurring hyaluronic acid and they are firm enough to mold long-term effects.

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How long do lip fillers last?

Usually, lip fillers last 12-18 months. But it depends on your age and metabolism rate (how fast your body breaks down calories into energy). At a young age, individuals have a tendency to burn calories quicker, so fillers don’t last as long

Are lip fillers permanent?

No, lip fillers are not permanent. They gradually go away over time. Generally, 12 to 18 months after the procedure, it mostly depends on your metabolism. You might be required routine touch-up treatment to sustain your desired volume. 

Can I Get lip fillers while pregnant?

FDA (Food and Drug Authority) has not approved the lip fillers procedure during pregnancy, as there has not been any study on, whether it is safe to get lip fillers while pregnancy.

Lip fillers before and after:

How do I prepare myself before getting injected?

Your health expert will tell you the exact rules and regulations set by his own choice and experiences, but at least earlier than 48 hours, you should prevent drinking alcohol, smoking, and using blood thinners, or dietary supplements (such as vitamin E, and fish oil, taking) because they soften the blood, which can turn out to a higher chance of swelling and bruising. These factors will minimize a lot of side effects and increase the chances of a smooth recovery.

Can I do the consultation and injection on the 

same day?

Yes sure you can, even same-day consultations and injection procedures are more common at most dermatologists’ clinics.

However, some people still choose a traditional 2 appointments process. If you select the combo means, schedule to be in the health expert’s clinic or a fragment as the consultation is crucial and hurrying through the discussion only leads to any mishap.  

Typically, health experts do not just say OK, if you are ready to let’s go, they do complete consultation, and as part of that, they evaluate the patient’s facial balance, measure the lip to the lower face, to the chin, to the entire face ask about their profile, they look at the lip as part of in one piece.   

Discussion about the potential risks and complications is equally essential aside from personal goals and expectations. This is crucial that patient should understand that lip treatments are not as simple as hair cut or facials, they are medical practices with real possible downtime and risks. There lots to know and expect before going into a procedure.   


Lip Filler Before and After: What you need to know
Lip Filler Before and After: What you need to know

What happens before a lip filler procedure?

Before your lip filler treatment, you will have to make an appointment with your health experts. They will evaluate many factors, including your social conditions and mental health.

The U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has not approved the use of lip fillers for people under the age of 21, so your age must be at least 21 to get FDA-approved lip fillers. Your health expert may ask some questions including

  • What are your expectations?
  • Why do you want lip fillers?
  • Is a family member or a friend encouraging you to get lip fillers?
  • Do you think a lot about probable or very small defects in your body?

Additionally, the shape of the face and physical health are also important. Before the procedure, your health expert will assess your general health status, including any preexisting health status or risk factors. Discuss with them if you have any allergies, and if you are taking any prescription or over-the-contradict (OTC) medicines, or herbal supplements.

Health experts will measure and examine your face and take pictures of your lips and face for medical records.

It is really important to visualize how you will look after the procedure when considering the size of your lips. Imagine getting a new haircut. You may show your hairstylist a picture to give them an idea of how you would like your hair to see. However, a hairstylist may tell you that your hair will not look like the picture because of your hairline, texture, length, and volume.

Maybe you want, your lips to look like a showbiz individual’s lips, but it might not be possible due to your unique facial features, and shape. Ask your health experts if taking a picture is useful. But, planned carefully and explain what you want your lips to look like if your health experts don’t want to reference a picture.

What happens during a lip filler procedure? 

In a lip fill injection procedure, your health experts will apply a topical anesthetic on your lips. This is used to numb your lips so you will not feel any pain and the procedure will be done smoothly and comfortably as much as possible. Most numbing creams contain lidocaine, tetracaine (BLT), and benzocaine. These creams will numb your lips within 15 to 30 minutes. 

If you have an allergy to tetracaine or BLT, a health expert may give you a nerve block injection to numb the lips.

After the numbness of your lips, your health expert will inject the lip filler with a thin needle into a particular part or all parts of your lips, including the arc in the center of the upper lip called cupid bow, oral commissures or corners of the mouth, and the edges of your lips called vermillion. During this step, you will not feel any pain but may feel a pinching sensation, and your eyes may water. Usually, your health experts will insert 1 milliliter (ml) of lip filler into the lips which are approximately one-fifth of a teaspoon. The needle of the injection will not go deeper than 2.5 mm (millimeter) into the skin. 

During the whole procedure, an Ice pack might be applied to the lips by your health experts, to minimize bruising and swelling.

The whole procedure may take as little as 30 minutes or may be as long as 2 hours.

Lip Filler Before and After: What you need to know
Lip Filler Before and After: What you need to know

What happens after a lip filler procedure?

At the end of the lip filler injection procedure, your health experts may softly massage your lips so that they absorb the filler. Icing may be continued as well.  

For up to 15 minutes, your health experts will examine you to ensure you do not experience any side effects, including nausea or substantial bleeding, and dizziness.

Once health experts decide, that you no longer need an examination, they will allow you to go home.  You should have a friend or family member drive you home.  

After the procedure, your lips may be bruised, sensitive, and swollen. Generally, swelling vanishes after 24-48 hours, but it may take up to a week.

A follow-up appointment will be scheduled by your health experts about 2 weeks after the lip filler procedure to examine your lips. They will take your photograph for your medical record so you can see how your lips looked like before the procedure and after the treatment, you healed.

The following guidelines will help your lips as they heal  

  • Avoid applying lip balm, lipstick, or any other cosmetic product at least 24 hours of after treatment.
  • Use an ice pack for up to 10 minutes to lessen pain, inflammation, and swelling.
  • Be careful during brush your teeth, it’s better to avoid brushing for cleaning your teeth.
  • Avoid pucker or touching your lips, such as sipping from a straw and kissing.
  • Drink more water.
  • Avoid exercise (at least for 24 hours).


What are the advantages of lip fillers?

Following are the advantages of lip fillers, such as

  • They can boost your self-confidence.
  • Lip fillers and lip filler procedures both are safe there is a low risk of side effects or complications.
  • This is reversible, if you are not happy with your look, your health experts can inject an enzyme (hyaluronidase) to dissolve your fillers.  

What are the risks of lip fillers?

There are some risks of lip fillers, such as

  • Reactivation of cold sore
  • Pain and bleeding at the injection sites
  • Infection
  • Your lips might be different sizes (asymmetry).
  • This may cause Tissue death (vascular compromises), which may occur if lip filler is injected around or into an artery.
  • Tenderness and discoloration
  • This procedure may turn out your lips may be of different sizes
  • The lip filler may bleed into other areas of your face and generally migrate toward the nose.  

Are lip fillers bad for you?

As lip fillers are a medical procedure, they are very safe when performed by experienced health experts, such as dermatologists, or cosmetic surgeons.

So, you should not get this procedure from a beauty spa or salon.

Can lip fillers ruin your lips?

If you don’t get lip fillers from proficient healthcare providers, there is a risk of ruining your lip. Your lips may permanently stretch, the tissue surrounding your lip may damage or die, and the injection sites may get infected or harden.

Do lip fillers hurt?

After the procedure, at the injection sites, you may experience mild pain. Usually, within 12-24 hours, the pain goes away.


What is the recovery time?

Usually, pain should go away after 12-24 hours of treatment, but maybe it takes up to a week.

It is better to schedule the procedure at least 2 weeks ahead of time to make sure you have completely recovered if you want your lip plump before a big event, such as a wedding.

When Can I drink or eat after getting my lips fillers?

Health experts suggest that if you get lip fillers, you should avoid taking foods that may cause you to clean your mouth or lips for a minimum 24 of hours. It’s better to wait to eat until after the relevant verve block or anesthetic effects have faded off so you do not mistakenly bite your lips and upset the filler.

You should avoid drinking with straws and smoking for a minimum of 24 hours. Puckering or contracting lips may upset the lip fillers as well. 

Alcohol drinking should be avoided for at least 24 hours after treatment because alcohol causes blood thinning, which may make bruising on lips worse.

When should I visit the doctor?

Set a follow-up meeting with your health expert 2 weeks after lip filler treatment. They will check your lips, and after that, you can discuss the final results, such as whether you want more volume, and which needs more filler.   


What questions should I ask my doctor?

Following questions should you ask your health expert about lip filler procedures, including

  • Which brand do you offer lip filler?
  • How many sittings will be required for my lip filler complete procedure?
  • Is lip filler treatment a better option for me?
  • Which lip filler brand do you recommend to me?
  • Tell me from top to bottom about the risks and complications of this treatment
  • Which painkiller will be suitable for me during the recovery period?
  • How frequently should I plan follow-up appointments to maintain volume?
  • How long it will take my lips to completely recover?


Getting lip fillers is totally a personal choice. If you have the desire to enhance the size of your lips, contact a health expert who must an experienced dermatologist with a skilled team and clinic setup. Discuss from the bottom line about the lip fillers options suitable for you.

This is obvious that plump lips can boost your self-confidence, but you should take in your mind that they are temporary not permanent, so you have to get new fillers on average every 12-18 months to maintain the plumped-up lip. Talk with your doctor about all concerns and expectations.   

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