"" How Long Does Strep Throat Last| Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment - Health and Fitness Informatics


How Long Does Strep Throat Last| Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment


How Long Does Strep Throat Last

What is early strep throat?

Strep throat is the most common term for group A streptococcus bacteria, also known as streptococcus pyogenes. It is the throat infection and tonsils resulting in a sore or scratchy throat (pharyngitis). You may notice white patches on the tonsils as well.  

Typically, strep throat doesn't cause runny noses or coughs. Those symptoms may imply the sickness caused by a virus instead.  

Signs of Strep Throat

  • Fever and headache
  • Painful while swallowing
  • Sore throat that comes on abruptly
  • Red swollen tonsils, occasionally with whitish patches or spots
  • Tiny red spots on the top of the mouth

More common symptoms of strep throat that come on quickly are;

Some people may get a red skin rash, called scarlet fever, before and after sickness. Typically, in children, strep throat may also cause stomach aches or headaches, with vomiting or nausea. 

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Is strep throat contagious?

Yes, it is a highly contagious. When you breathe, cough, swap saliva droplets, or sneeze, tiny droplets that contain strep bacteria go into the air and are easily inhaled by surrounding people.

You may transmit strep throat to others if you have been taking antibiotics for one to three days. If you have the symptoms of strep throat, you should stay home for at least a day. Avoid sharing eating utensils or kissing. If you don't wash your hands before touching your mouth, nose, or eyes, the risks of getting infections elevates.

How long does strep throat last?

Typically, strep throat can last 7 to 10 days and resolves on its own within 7-10 days. Symptoms of strep throat become sudden. Most patients feel worse for 2 to 3 days before they begin to feel better.

Antibiotics are most helpful when taken 48 hours after the first infection symptoms, but before strep is positively identified antibiotics should never be used.  

You should immediately call your doctor if you have a severe sore throat and a high fever. If you don't get treated with antibiotics, you will stay contagious for 2 to 3 weeks. Conversely, if you start treatment with antibiotics, you will be much less contagious even after a day.

Who is more prone to get the Infection?

Strep throat is an infectious condition that affects both the tonsils and the throat.

Anyone is susceptible to strep throat, but it is more prone to occur in school surroundings. Children between school-aged ages of 5 and 15 are more likely to get the infection. Their parents may also be affected by the transmission of bacteria 

Is strep throat a life-threatening illness?

Strep throat may cause rheumatic fever in exceptional cases, which may cause heart valve damage. That's why it is really important to get treatment if you suspect strep throat.

Even though strep throat may be pretty painful and is not life-threatening.

How long does it remain Contagious?

After contracting strep throat, initially, you will not feel unwell for 2 to 5 days. This period is called the "incubation period". During this time, you have a strep throat infection with no symptoms.

If you have strep throat illness, you will be contagious until

  • You have taken antibiotics for 24 hours without a dose missing.
  • You have not fever for at least 24 hours and feel in good health. 

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How do the bacteria transmit?

Strep throat can easily transmit as it exists in the throat and nose. People with the bacteria transmit it to others by coughing, speaking, or sneezing, which all release droplets containing bacteria into the air. This infection may also spread through infected skin sores that are previously open. 

You could catch strep throat if you touch your nose or mouth when you touch another surface or a doorknob.

It takes 2-5 days for strep throat to reveal after infection with group A strep throat bacteria.

Recovery period:

Typically, strep throat symptoms improve between the third and fourth day of the infection.

Antibiotic treatment for strep throat generally lasts for 10 days. People are completely recovered and no longer show symptoms after 10 days.

Visit your healthcare provider if your symptoms worsen after 3 days or if, they do not improve after 7-10 days.

If you start to feel better before your physician suggests you stop taking the medication, you should complete the whole course. You may get sick again if you stop taking medication impulsively, and the medication may not be effective against later infection.


The diagnosis comprises a physical examination of the throat, nose, and mouth and a medical history of symptoms.

To confirm the diagnosis, running a rapid strep test is the most effective method. The tests involve taking a swab sample from the patient's throat. A series of the tests is conducted on this sample to detect the strep throat bacteria.

A swab used to get a sample of cells from the throat and grow them in the laboratory for 1-2 days. 

Strep throat treatment:

As it is a bacterial infection, antibiotics believed to be more effective treatment option. Antibiotics stop further complications by acting against the bacteria.

Following are the three most common classes of antibiotics prescribed by health expert, are;

Discomfort and pain follow-on from illness can be deal with pain relievers easily accessible as over-the-counter medicines. Gargles and warm tea may also used to relieve the pain.

The treatment helps decide how long strep throat last. The duration of the illness elevates if you do not get medication.

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