"" Anteverted Uterus: Is it Normal? Causes, Fertility - Health and Fitness Informatics


Anteverted Uterus: Is it Normal? Causes, Fertility

Anteverted Uterus: Is it Normal?

What is Anteverted Uterus?

When the uterus is positioned, its tilts towards the cervix called Anteverted Uterus. If your health expert says you have Anteverted Uterus, it means, your uterus inclines frontward at your cervix, near your abdomen.

When your uterus incline backward at the cervix called a Retroverted Uterus, generally, this condition is believed to be more severe than Anteverted Uterus. The Anteverted Uterus basically describes within your pelvis, and most women have Aneverted Uterus.

The uterus is a reproductive organ that plays a significant role during menstruation and during pregnancy. This upside-down pear-shaped organ is responsible for holding a baby during pregnancy and is a vital part of menstruation. It's located between your bladder and your rectum in your pelvis, although its exact positioning varies. A uterus being anteverted simply describes its position within your pelvis.

The Antroverted Uterus doesn’t lead to any health complications even believed a typical uterus position. Probably you will not know about your uterus’s way of shape until your health expert tells you. But in some cases, the anteverted uterus has severe tilt, which can develop pressure on your pelvis and lead to discomfort during menstruation and or sex.

How common Is an anteverted uterus?

About 70-75% of females or DFAB (designated female at birth) have the Anteverted Uterus. Typically, it is a normal uterus position.

Is it considered normal?

Yes, the Anteverted Uterus is believed normal. Typically, you are born with this position of the uterus, as your uterus can tilt at varying degrees just like the features of your body, and face. An anteverted uterus means the uterus inclines forward at the cervix and near the abdomen. 

Is it good or bad in pregnancy?

An anteverted Uterus can’t impact your delivery, labor, or pregnancy. It is safe and risk-free for pregnancy and grows to hold the baby.

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Anteverted Uterus: Is it Normal?

What is the typical size of an anteverted uterus?

The typical uterus determines 2.5 inches wide and 3-4 inches high. It is just about the size of your fist. However, the position and the sizes within your pelvis are not directly linked with your uterus being anteverted.

How does an anteverted uterus affect your fertility?

If you are not getting pregnant and have an Anteverted Uterus, mostly it’s due to another reason. Because having an Anteverted Uterus doesn’t impact your fertility and you are able to get pregnant.

There are some health issues that may affect your fertility such as:

  • Asherman’s syndrome
  • Endometriosis
  • PCO (polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Uterine factor infertility
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Adenomyosis

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What causes an anteverted uterus?

Your uterus grows and modifies in a distinctive manner. Generally, most women are born with an anteverted uterus however it is not always the case. So afterward in life, your uterus can shift into an anteverted uterus.

When a woman gets pregnant, a retroverted uterus shifts to an anteverted uterus near the second trimester. Sometimes, it may stay in the anteverted position. Conditions like endometriosis or adhesions or scar tissues from surgery may lead to a retroverted uterus modified to an anteverted position.   


What are the signs of an anteverted uterus?

Most, women don’t show any sign or symptom of an Anteverted Uterus, that’s why it is not known as causing health problems. It just expresses your uterus's position within the pelvis. In some cases, the uterus incline is severe and may lead to pain, and due to this condition, you may experience pain and discomfort in your pelvic area.      

The Retroverted Uterus is the opposite position of the uterus means, Retroverted Uterus inclines backward to the rectum. Probably, you experience discomfort during sex or back pain, if you have Retroverted Uterus.

Diagnosis and tests

How is an anteverted uterus diagnosed?

Your health expert confirmed whether you have an Anteverted Uterus or not. A health expert will examine your pelvic region, during this examination he/she will see and feel your cervix, ovaries, and vagina.

A transvaginal ultrasound may also verify the way of your uterus tilt.   

Treatment and management

An Anteverted Uterus is considered a classic position for the uterus to be in. So it doesn’t need treatment. 


How can I prevent health risks from this?

As an Anteverted Uterus is not a severe condition, you can stop health complications regarding your uterus. There are some suggestions you can do to prevent its complications such as:

  • Discuss with your health expert if you experience any alteration in your menstruation cycle such as length of period and amount of bleeding.
  • Use condoms and bound your sexual partners to assist reduce STIs (sexually transmitted diseases).
  • Get routine pap tests and pelvic examination
  • Discuss with your health expert if you feel pain or discomfort in your pelvic area, low back, and abdomen.

Health risks 

There is no direct association between An Anteverted Uterus and health risks. Given that, your uterus is healthy, you will not feel any discomfort or pain in the uterus. Regularly see your health expert for usual gynecological care like pap tests and pelvic examinations.

These measures are considered best for all your uterus health.

When should I see my doctor?

There is nothing definite to discuss with your health expert, as there are no health concerns with an Anteverted Uterus. If you feel any signs of infection, heavy bleeding, or irregular, pelvic pain you should contact your health expert as these could be signs of health problems.

Anteverted uterus & retroverted uterus

A Retroverted Uterus is a uterus position that tilts backward at the cervix, while, an Anteverted Uterus is tilting forward at the cervix. The Retroverted Uterus usually doesn’t lead to health issues and is less common than an Anteverted Uterus. If you have Retroverted Uterus you may feel discomfort during menstruation and sex.

An anteflexed & an anteverted uterus

If your uterus bends forward the cervix is called Anteflexed. Generally, an Ateflexed uterus has further tilt to it than an Anteverted uterus’s position. An anteflexed uterus may set pressure on your bladder and abdomen. In both of the uterus positions, the direction of the cervix always remains the same, but in an Anteflexed uterus, the womb part of the uterus more sharply inclines to the front of your uterus.       


An anteverted uterus describes the way it inclines within your pelvis and is believed a normal uterus position. It doesn’t lead to any health issues related to menstruation cycle or pregnancy. To confirm which position your uterus is in, or experience health problems regarding pregnancy and menstrual cycle, discuss with your health expert and get your check-up done. The transvaginal ultrasound can reveal the best results.  

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