"" Interesting Myths and Facts about the Pink Eye: - Health and Fitness Informatics


Interesting Myths and Facts about the Pink Eye:

Pink eye spreads through direct or indirect contact, respiratory droplets, and close contact. Good hygiene and prompt treatment are crucial. It rarely spreads via flatulence or feces.

Pink eye


Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, can spread through direct contact with infected eye discharge or indirectly via contaminated surfaces. Respiratory droplets from sneezing or coughing can also transmit viral conjunctivitis. Close contact elevates transmission risk, especially in communal settings.

Good hygiene, like handwashing, helps prevent transmission. This article aims to examine common misconceptions and factual information regarding pink eye.

What is Pink eye?

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is a common condition in which you experience inflammation of the conjunctiva, the transparent, thin, layer of tissue that coats the white part of your eye and lines the interior surface of the eyelid1.

What is the reason behind the pink eye?

Pink eye is an inflammation of eye infection, typically caused by1:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Irritants
  • Allergins

The microorganisms that cause pink eye are: 

  • Streptococcus pneumonia
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Moraxella catarrhalis, or
  • Haemophilus influenza
  • Pseudomonas (when using contact lenses)
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae
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What are the symptoms of pink eye?

You can experience the following symptoms if you have pink eye:

  • Mild swelling
  • Redness
  • Lot of discharge

Myths about the pink eye:

There are certain myths and misconceptions surrounding pink eye including:

1. Pink eye only affects the eyes:

While the main symptom of pink eye is redness and irritation in the eye, it can sometimes be accompanied by symptoms such as itchiness, burning sensation, and discharge. Conjunctivitis can cause redness, itchiness, and discharge from the eye, and may spread to the other eye. It can also cause mild symptoms like fever or sore throat. Seek medical attention for proper treatment.

2. Pink eye is only caused by viruses:

While viral infections are a common cause of pink eye.

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3. Pink eye is highly contagious:

While it's true that viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can be contagious, not all cases are easily spread from person to person. The contagiousness depends on the underlying cause. For instance, viral conjunctivitis can be highly contagious, while allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious.

4. Pink eye is highly contagious:

While it's true that viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can be contagious, not all cases are easily spread from person to person. The contagiousness depends on the underlying cause. For instance, viral conjunctivitis can be highly contagious, while allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious.

5. Using someone else's makeup can 

give you pink eye:

While it's theoretically possible to contract pink eye from sharing makeup, it's not a common transmission mode. However, it's still advisable not to share eye makeup to reduce the risk of infections.

6. The pink eye always requires 


While bacterial conjunctivitis may require antibiotics, viral conjunctivitis typically does not. Most cases of viral conjunctivitis will clear up on their own within a couple of weeks. However, seeking medical care for proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations is important.

7. Pink eye can be cured using urine or 

breast milk:

No scientific evidence supports these claims. Using urine or breast milk in the eyes can introduce harmful bacteria and lead to further infection or irritation.

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8. One can get pink eye from a fart:

It's highly doubtful to get pink eye (conjunctivitis) from a fart. While flatulence can contain some bacteria and particles, the chances of these particles causing an eye infection are extremely low. Conjunctivitis is typically caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens, or irritants coming into direct contact with the eye or surrounding areas.

It is crucial to rely on correct medical information and consult your healthcare providers for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of pink eye. Myth-based treatments can be ineffective or even risky.

Can I get pink eye from the poop or fart?

While it's theoretically possible for certain bacteria or viruses present in your poop (fecal matter) or fart (flatulence) to cause an infection such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), it is extremely rare and not a typical mode of transmission. Here are some scenarios where this could potentially happen:

1. Contact with contaminated hands:

If you have fecal matter on your hands and you touch your eyes without washing your hands, it could introduce bacteria or viruses into the eye, potentially leading to an infection like conjunctivitis.

2. Fecal-oral transmission:

In situations where your hygiene is poor, such as not washing your hands properly after using the bathroom or handling contaminated objects, fecal matter can come into contact with your eyes indirectly, leading to infection.

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3. Aerosolized particles:

It rarely happens when you pass gas (flatulence) near another person's face and if that gas were to carry infectious particles, it's conceivable that it could lead to an eye infection if the particles come into contact with the eyes.

However, it’s important to note that these scenarios are highly doubtful and not typical modes of transmission for pink eye. The most common ways to get pink eye include:

  • Direct contact with eye discharge or contaminated surfaces 
  • Allergies to pollen, dust, or irritants
  • Respiratory infections
  • You can reduce the risks of contracting pink eye by:
  • Washing hands regularly
  • Avoiding touching the eyes with unwashed hands
  • Avoiding sharing personal items like towels and makeup

Can I get Pink eye if I wear contact 


Wearing contact lenses can elevate the risk of developing pink eye due to various factors:

1. Improper Lens Care: 

If your contact lenses are not cleaned, disinfected, or stored properly, bacteria, viruses, or fungi can accumulate on the lenses, leading to eye infections, including pink eye.

2. Extended Wear: 

Extended wear of contact lenses without proper cleaning and disinfection increases the likelihood of bacterial buildup on your lenses and the surface of the eye, potentially leading to pink eye.

3. Allergic Reactions: 

You may develop allergic conjunctivitis as a result of allergic reactions to substances like lens solutions, lens materials, or environmental allergens that come into contact with the lenses.

4. Mechanical Irritation: 

Improperly fitting or damaged contact lenses can irritate the surface of your eye, leading to inflammation and potentially causing conjunctivitis.

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5. Contact Lens Solutions: 

You can develop sensitivity or allergic reactions to the chemicals or preservatives present in your contact lens solutions, causing irritation and pink eye.

6. Reduced Oxygen Flow: 

Contact lenses can reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches the surface of your eye, particularly if you wear them for extended periods, which may contribute to the development of certain types of conjunctivitis, including giant papillary conjunctivitis.

You need to follow proper hygiene practices when handling lenses such as:

  • Clean and disinfect lenses as written on the package
  • Replace the lenses after a certain time
  • Don't wear lenses while sleeping or swimming
  • Make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible if you notice any signs of pink eye or an eye infection.
  • Regular eye examination is crucial to maintaining good eye health and ensuring proper contact lens fit and prescription. 


The main modes of transmission for pink eye include direct contact with infected eye discharge, indirect contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, allergic reactions, or exposure to irritants. Theoretically, if someone were to pass gas very close to your face and if the gas were to carry infectious particles, there's a remote possibility of it causing an eye infection if the particles make contact with the eyes. However, this scenario is highly improbable and not a typical means of contracting pink eye.

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